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For Game of Thrones fans

The new series House of the Dragon in the Game of Thrones universe has already premiered. And why are we talking about a series on a blog about travel in Portugal?

The answer is: Monsanto Village.

Indeed, the new HBO series and Viver Portugal Tours have something in common, and that's Portugal.

House of the Dragon was filmed in Monsanto Village, one of Portugal's historic villages, located in the Beira Interior region about 280 km from Lisbon. This village is nestled against the Monsanto hill, a rocky formation with a height of 2,487 feet.

Monsanto Village has traces of human occupation dating back to the Paleolithic era, with evidence of Visigothic, Roman, and Arab occupation as well.

Conquered in 1165 by D. Afonso Henriques from the Moors, the village was donated to the Order of the Templars, who ordered the construction of the castle under the command of D. Gualdim Pais."

In more recent times, Monsanto Village was awarded the title of the Most Portuguese Village in Portugal in 1938 and the title of Historical Village in 1995.

A village worth visiting not only out of curiosity for the series being filmed there but also because its charms cannot be described, only seen.

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